Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Mission 12

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Wings of Liberty is the name of the StarCraft II terran campaign and episode. It was released on July 27, 2010.8 It was the first StarCraft II product and was released separately from the two expansions, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void,910 occurring before them chronologically.11 Wings of Liberty has 29 missions (though a maximum of 26 are playable in a single playthrough). For Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How do you replay missions?'

This article covers the singleplayer Wings of Liberty Campaign version of this unit. For other versions see Ghost (Legacy of the Void) and Ghost (Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm).
Ground Unit
Sniper. Can use Snipe and Cloak. Can call down Nukes built at the Ghost Academy.
150 150 40 2
Biological, Psionic
Targets:Ground / Air
Damage:10 (+1)
DPS:6.7 (+0.7)
Bonus:+10 (+1) vs Light
Bonus DPS:6.7 (+0.7) vs Light
Range:6 (+2)
100 0 (+1)
50 (+100) / 200 (+100)
11 (+3)

Starcraft Ii Wings Of Liberty

Note: All time-related values are expressed assuming Normal speed, as they were before LotV. See Game Speed.


The Ghost is a specialized infantry unit built from a Barracks with an attached Tech Lab once a Ghost Academy has been constructed. The Ghost has a ranged attack that deals 10 damage +10 against light units, but its real power lies in its special abilities.

Snipe deals 45 damage regardless of armor to any biological unit at the cost of 25 energy. When did the new call of duty come out. Snipe is an effective tool in a few situations. Are the call of duty modern warfare servers down. It can be queued to multiple units, allowing the Ghost to Snipe up to 8 units in quick succession. This can make the Ghost effective when dropped into Terran or Zerg Mineral lines, while whittling down an approaching enemy force or to quickly wipe out enemy harassment.

The Ghost's Cloak allows it to render itself invisible to enemies without detection. This is generally used to get the Ghost into a good position to Snipe an opponent or to sneak into a base for a Nuke.

Nuke is the Ghost's final ability and will allow the unit to calldown a Nuke on a target location provided the Ghost Academy has a Nuke ready and that the Ghost can channel for the full-time. The Nuke is a devastating ability that deals terrible, terrible damage to any buildings or units that it hits. Video update inc. However, the cost of using Nukes is very high and requires a lot of gas and minerals to tech to, the long 'charge' time also renders it ineffective against units, as they can easily move away.

Campaign Specifics[edit]

Available in mission:Ghost of a Chance
Mercenary version: None
Hero version:Nova


Range: 10
Damage: 25+25
The Ghostsnipes a single, biological unit for 25(+25 vs psionic) damage. This ability can be queued for multiple snipes.
Hotkey: C
The Ghost becomes invisible until it runs out of energy or the player cancels Cloak.


Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Mission 12
Range: 12
Damage: 300 (+200 to buildings)
The Ghost calls down a nuclear strike at the targeted spot. Nukes take 20 seconds to land.
Ghost's cloak no longer requires energy.
Ghosts gain +2 range and +3 sight.
Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Mission 12
Range: 12
Damage: 300 (+200 to buildings)
The Ghost calls down a nuclear strike at the targeted spot. Nukes take 20 seconds to land.
Ghost's cloak no longer requires energy.
Ghosts gain +2 range and +3 sight.


Credits : 125,000
Researched from:Armory Console
Ghost's cloak no longer requires energy.
Credits : 85,000
Researched from:Armory Console
Ghosts gain +2 range and +3 sight.
Researched from:Laboratory Console
Specialist units (any non-hero with energy) gain +100 starting energy and +100 maximum energy.
Researched from:Laboratory Console
Armor upgrades in the Armory and Engineering Bay increase life by 5% in addition to increasing armor.
Researched from:Laboratory Console
Weapon upgrades in the Armory and Engineering Bay increase attack speed by 5% in addition to increasing damage.



Starcraft Wings Of Liberty Trailer

BuiltSelectedAnnoyedMoveAttackUnder Attack
  • Ghost reporting.
  • Go.
  • Out with it.
  • Give me the sit-rep.
  • Come again?
  • You sure about that?
  • Solo operative, right?
  • Boo!
  • Nu-cular launch detected.[q 1]
  • You call down the thunder..
  • deal with it.[q 2]
  • Almost counts in horseshoes and nuclear strikes.
  • I think the female ghosts have nicer equipment.
  • Did you see that? (pauses) Exactly.
  • Pain don't hurt. Ouhh!
  • Today's forecast is: Extra bomb-y, slight chance of mushroom clouds.
  • I see live people. -gunshots- I see dead people.[q 3]
  • Whenever I see a world untouched by war, a world of innocence, a world of lush forests and clear rivers.. I really just wanna nuke the crap out of it.
  • You have something on your face. -shot- Got it.
  • I'll paint the town! Dead.
  • I know what you're thinkin'.[q 4]
  • Feelin' lucky, punk?[q 4]
  • We all got it coming, kid.[q 5]
  • Make my day.[q 6]
  • Nothin' to it.
  • Copy that.
  • Sounds like a plan.
  • You're on.
  • Confirmed.
  • Deploying.
  • Yes, sir.
  • Roger.
  • OK.
  • Will do.
  • I'm on it.
  • Never know what hit 'em.
  • You know what I like.
  • Well color me happy.
  • Target in my sights.
  • Take 'em down.
  • All too easy.
  • Now that's an ass whoopin'.
  • It's getting too hot!
  1. Homer Simpson's pronounciation of nuclear [1]
  2. variation of a quote uttered by a Ghost ('You called down the thunder.. now reap the whirlwind') at the beginning of the Brood War mission, Emperor's Flight (Ground Zero), in turn a quote from Tombstone
  3. from The Sixth Sense
  4. 4.04.1from Dirty Harry
  5. from Unforgiven
  6. from Sudden Impact

Ghost's quotes (video and sound) - YouTube video.


Campaign: Wings of Liberty
Mar Sara
  • Breakout or Ghost of a Chance
  • Belly of the Beast or Shatter the Sky

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